Daily Archives: January 3, 2011

Welcoming Twenty Eleven

I’ve never really been one for new years resolutions but this year I feel the need for change, improvement, and remembering what life is really all about. Lately I’ve been feeling this restless, stirring, frustrated feeling.  None of it is bad because it seems to be pushing me toward things I want…giving me the courage to really “do this thing”.  I guess it’s kind of like when a butterfly is fighting to get out of it’s chrysalis and emerge into it’s destiny. I can just imagine the butterfly waking up in it’s tight little home and feeling like it just can’t take it anymore.  It says, “I’ve.Got.To.Get.Out.Of.This.Place!”   It’s twisting and turning and swaying back and forth.  Then it sees the tiniest glimpse of light and there’s hope…hope for a new life, freedom, and a chance to see and experience the transformation he’s gone through.  It escapes and realizes the discomfort was all worth it.  He’s no longer bound to the ground but can now take flight and see the world with a new view.  He’s doing what he was ultimately created to do and he knows it…he’s found his destiny.

So here I am, feeling the views of my life closing in and getting tighter and tighter.  I’m restless.  I’m ready for change.  I love the life I’ve led up until now, but this year I’m ready to make some of those things I’ve always wished were part of my life an actual reality.  It’s time to use this restlessness and press my new found wings (strength & courage) against this encasement and press into my destiny, my dreams, new parts of my life.  I’m excited to see the glimpse of shimmering light and know that with a little steady work I’ll break out and the new view of my life will be breathtaking.

So here are a few things I’m breaking through this year.  I’ve always felt I’ve taken pretty good care of myself but over the past year the nights got later, the workouts became fewer, meals became simple and quick and now I feel older.  It’s time to make health a priority and take care of ME. Therefore, I plan to get to bed at a decent hour, which means somewhere between 10:30 and 11.  I also have set a goal to work out AT LEAST 3 times a week and I’m gonna give running a go.  I’ve professed since the presidential challenge in high school that I hated running and I’ve stuck by it like crazy glue.  As of late though, I’ve watched people running and thought how pleasant that looked to be on the open road, exercising, and alone with your thoughts.  I need that I think.  (insert scene from Bride Wars)  Of course along with the sleep and exercise comes diet.  I just want to eat healthier – not diet per say just be healthy.

I’d also have to say that with the busy work schedule my alone time with God has slipped into almost nothingness.  Over sushi with a friend it became painfully aware how much I missed that time with God.  Josh said to me, “Meghan, it’s amazing how just 5 minutes a day with God can change everything.”  Did I not have 5 minutes?  Then I distinctly remember sitting in the back of my parents car and thinking to myself how distant I felt from God.  All of a sudden I thought to myself, would I do this to my husband?  Would I get so busy that I would neglect spending time with Him?  Probably not, so why would I not take at least 5 minutes every day to tell someone who loves me unconditionally how much I love them?  Why would I stop to hear what He had to say to me or tell Him about my worries and concerns or thank Him for showing Himself to me that day?  I realized that this relationship with God is just like any other relationship.  If you don’t take time with them they become distant.  When I love someone I want to be with them a lot so if I love God why don’t spend more time with Him?   This year I take back that time I used to spend with God and I’m going to get to know Him all over again.  Fall in love with you will.

Besides spending more time with God I also would really like to invest more in my current friendships and also get to know new people.  I’ve been so busy this past year that it seems like everything got put on the back burner and when things slowed down I felt like I had lost all of my friends.  That’s no good! So even though I’ll be busy I hope to make it a point to take time to shut down the computer, put away the phone, and really see people.  Will I get to see you?

I won’t bore you with all of the new views of life I’m looking forward to this 2011 but I will share a few business dreams with you.  2010 was an amazing year.  I really couldn’t have asked for me.  I met some wonderful people, was a featured photographer on a blog, made brides cry with joy when they saw their photographs, captured special moments for families, and was blessed monetarily.  With the turning of the calendar page creative ideas have been birthed for the new year.  I feel challenged to take Meghan Stewart Photography to the next level.  It’s not all formulated yet but the ingredients have been put in the mixing bowl and they pieces are coming together and I am SUPER DUPER excited to see what is to come.  I’ll be offering monthly specials, maybe a few mini session openings, a possible beginner’s photography class, and so much more.  Please make sure you keep in touch to see all the changes and growth that take place.  I thank you all for the support you’ve been through the years and I want to share all the excitement with you.

Okay, this is long enough.  I hope and pray your year is filled with abundant blessings and you find peace and joy around every corner.  I’d love to hear a few of your new year’s resolutions or even your hopes and dreams for this year.  HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!

My new running shoes.  I’ll be trying them out very shortly.  Oh, and there’s a possibility of a marathon in October?  IDK



Filed under My Life